Hi all OK so I have 11 weeks to fit in my wedding dress I need to loss a stone I have been doing 1000 calories a day A hitt class every morning for 45mins A bike ride 40mins every day I am not losing weight I am tracking all my food I am wondering if I am not eating enough to loss weight should I do 1300 a day
I have 16 weeks till my wedding scales not moving I am thinking of 5.2 so in 2 days having shakes I have 1 stone to loss would this help what shakes are best I work out 4 to 5 times a week lost 1 and a half stone and can not get this last stone to move on scales help
Can some ome help plz Age 36 5 ft 4 10st 9lb Goal 9st 7lb By june this year for my wedding also wanting to tone I do 5 40 mins classes a week high intensity what should my calories and Marco's be any help appreciated