When someone tags me using the @ sign, I never get notifications on the app. I get notifications for other things (daily logins, etc) but not when I have been mentioned specifically. Interesting that I do not get the daily login type notifications when on my laptop but I do get ones when I have been tagged. After being…
I keep a tab with my food diary open on my computer all the time. And every day, when I go to that tab, the first time I go to "Today", it says my diary is private. I click on my profile picture and back to my diary (without doing anything to log back in) and magically I can now see my food diary. Not earth shattering but…
I find the new feature of a popup box telling me I have a new notification to be very annoying. I am perfectly capable of seeing the highlighted number by the notification icon in the header - why do I need a popup as well? Please add the option of disabling this feature. Right now, the only way to disable it is to…