Looking to add more friends on mfp. I’ve been a member for a while and just now discovering the community. I am a writer and an artist, a mom, a Christian, a talker, a praying woman, nice but not a doormat (I will tell you how it is) I’ve lost 100# in the last year with 70# more to my goal. If you think we will have…
I want to celebrate today, not because today marks my one year anniversary using MyFitnessApp, or that in that time I have lost 94 pounds. I want to celebrate the depths of Love that God has opened up for me. The following are 6 excepts from my personal journals from this past year that I want to share with my friends. If…
Lol...I know I’m not the only one. I have lost 95 lbs and 13 inches off my hips and waist. I’m feeling great, but have a lot of loose skin. My goal is to lose 85 lbs more, and I know building muscle up behind the excess is ideal. How do ya’ll work out the flabby parts.. under arms are my concern mostly being it getting to…