I've decided to tackle intermittent fasting (16:8). Any thoughts, tips, tricks?
I was really lazy yesterday, when I left work for the day I didn't feel like buying food, and when I got home I didn't feel like cooking. I've always been a "breakfast at 7, lunch between 12 and 14, supper at 18-19"- sort of person. But yesterday I just couldn't get myself to do it, so I though: I might as well try 16:8,…
Making blueberry pie without sugar?
Hello, I'm looking for a way to make blueberry pie without sugar, and also without dairy products or eggs. I'm in the middle of a "challenge" so to speak, and I've been doing quite alright without sugar, but now I can't get blueberry pie out of my head. It doesn't have to be made in a conventional way, obviously, but I'm…
How does this sound to you? (making an exercise-routine)
Hello! I'd like some feedback on the routine I'm going to follow to get in shape. :blush: So, I already run 3 times/week, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Those are not that lengthy (yet), running and stretching is usually over in 20 min, for that reason I've thought about adding some other cardio workout afterwards, or…
Time to change, starting point: skinny fat
This is a ramble-y mess, I'm sorry. I've never been "overweight", but I've always been unfit. I am currently at my heaviest at 65 kg. I normally sit at around 55-58 kg, but these last 7 months have been rough and I've been comfort eating more than I used to before, hence I'm 10 kg heavier. I stopped eating a few things…