So I good friend of mine has been married for a little less than a year and found out her husband is bisexual and now wants to end the marriage. I’m not sure how I think about this. Her husband really loves her and has stated he is and has been faithful. I feel for both of them. They are a beautiful couple and seemed so…
So my Bf is always bugging me to stay waxed (I do all over) and I finally turned the tables and told him he needed to also which was kind of a joke but he took me seriously and waxed everything including his legs and his armpits which is a little weird. We’ve been dating for like 3 months and I’m not sure how I feel about…
So I have a guy friend who has a few tats and now he says he is going to get a small tattoo on his hip. Lol I told him he may want to consider because girls may not think he’s into them anymore lol Am I right on this?