I'm considering this program....pros and cons please!
Please be as honest as you can... How hard is it to lose weight and maintain that weight loss? I've got 111 pounds to lose and I want to know what I'm facing. Thank you.
It seems that every day I am given a new reason to get healthy... I started this journey because I almost didn't fit in a booth at a restaurant. Recently I noticed that my legs and ankles were beginning to swell. Now I'm noticing the weight of my stomach is affecting my back and I can literally feel it resting on my legs…
This isn't my first time attempting to lose weight. I have tried and failed and tried and failed more times than I can count. I almost feel like an expert in the matter. I know all about good calories and bad calories, what to eat, what not to eat, how much water to drink, what kind of exercises to do, etc. I've got it all…
Today I painfully realized how oblivious I have been in regard to my weight. I've always tried hard to hide it, and although I know in my head how bad the number on the scale is, I don't allow my mind to process it. Today I got a cold dose of reality. After I picked my son up from the sitter, I decided to surprise him with…