Is anyone else using Paprika Recipe Manager 3? My husband and I have been having so much fun trying new recipes and planning menus that are healthy with it. We love it! I tried meal planning with MyFitnessPal but did not find it to be very easy or time saving. Paprika Recipe Manager is not expensive. You can do alot just…
Just saw this new group and impulsively decided to join as just this week I set myself the goal of improving my hydration. I have recently read ¨Atomic Habits¨ and now ¨Target 100¨ both of which emphasize ways of building healthy habits. Target 100 makes the best case I have ever read for why hydration is more important…
@cory17 You asked that I share some of what I am reading investigating what diet would be most helpful for me, given the newer research that I had ignored for several years. So I thought I would start a thread about the newer controversy that I am reading about in bariatric studies which relates to why we lose weight and…
I am still a little bit confused by the way the message boards work here. Mine does not show the introductions thread anymore. Does yours? Do threads get deleted or go inactive and not show after a time? I have seen relatively recent posts by Ladybug, Swimmom, and Cory, but don´t recall recent acitvity from anyone else,…
@bloomnsunshine @jaded989 @swimmom_1 @cory17 @Ladybug8882021 @Jem594 @WTGNicole In case part of the problem with participating more actively in the group is that we are not experienced users of the forum and have had difficulty finding the group again, I found out that if you mark the star by a thread to make it a favorite…