COUNTDOWN to S*P*R*I*N*G, 2025!
Welcome! The objective of this challenge is to lose at least 10 lbs. between Wednesday, January 1st and Wednesday, March 19th (11 weeks). This is a supportive, judgement-free zone where all are invited to join. To come back to this page whenever you'd like to visit or post, just click on the little "bookmark" at the top…
Sober Discussion (Ongoing)
Hello everyone, @ilanakla @genterprise @RubyRed427 @shpuniarsky @xbowhunter @middleagegirl @chicbuc @888Angie888 @globalhiker @SunnyDays930 @dstobbie8870 @MegHom @SparkSpringtime69 @renae149 @dawntripp1 @SurferGirl1982 @Bemybestby60 I am unable to find our discussion! I tried to close the old one (to which no one was…
Countdown to 2025! (2nd half of the year)
Hi everyone! Can you believe we're in the second half of the year? I welcome anyone who would like to make a fresh start so we can enter the new year with improved health and fitness. Beginning Monday, July 1st, 2024, please feel free to jump right in wherever you are on your journey and share. This is a non-competitive,…
*FRESH START!* Weigh-in Wednesdays through New Year's Day, 2025!
Hello and Welcome! Although I post on other boards, I have decided to start fresh with a new challenge beginning this Wednesday, August 21, 2024, which is 19 weeks before New Years Day, 2025. My goal is to lose about 22 lbs. within that timeframe, which for me would mean an average loss of just over one pound per week.…
I lost our discussion board!
Tried to delete the inactive thread, making sure I was in the right one, but it looks like SP might have deleted the CURRENT one instead! I should have left well enough alone! :( I created a new discussion for Sober Ongoing. I hope you will join me there? I'm so sorry about the mixup and very best wishes! 💗
Why are you willing to try "Sober October"?
Oops! I posted under "Announcements" instead of "Discussion", DUH! I will copy/paste here so people can participate! {Sorry about that - I'm me at this still!} OK, HERE we go: everyone, I've decided to try "Sober October" due to {ahem} "extensive testing in the field" leading me to the conclusion that drinking alcohol has…