Currently on 3/6 month bulk. What’s your fitness journey? Which do you favor?
It isn’t about how much or how little you eat. It’s about calories in vs calories out. Eat atleast 500 calories below maintenance weight calories to lose weight. Lower fat intake to burn body fat and eat more protein to build and recover muscle 💪🏾 add 10k steps a day and some resistance training and you’re golden! Good luck
Being slim all my life I never thought I’d be over weight one day and pick up some very unhealthy habits. Drinking was also a factor. When enough was enough I did keto for 6/8 months. Gradually adding in cardio and resistance training. I lost 60lbs in 9 months and hope it’s motivating enough for you all to reach your…
March 2023 I didn’t expect to achieve this physique. Honestly, it’s been a fun journey and I don’t mind sharing some of the things I did to get here. Follow me for inspiration and I’ll do the same.
(PROOF PHOTOS BELOW) I’ve lost 60 pounds of fat and gained back 10 pounds in decomposition. My method was going into ketosis ( keto diet ) for roughly 8 months. Only took me 4 months to shed most of my belly fat when merging with intermittent fasting 3 days a week and walking/running 10,000 steps plus everyday. Once my…
An acceptional app with acceptional like minded - driven people. Feel free to add me. Keep shredding🤙🏾