Just holding myself accountable: I am trying to be very open about my struggles w weight w my bf. Yesterday and today I found myself backsliding by finding excuses out on errands together to go out separate ways so I could grab some of my normal binge go-tos. I didn’t tell him I ate about 600 calories behind his back at…
Hi all! I just joined but have on and off used programs to lose weight or manage my eating habits. In the last year I moved across states, got busy w work, have had bouts of depression AND in a new relationship. I knew I was overeating/emotional eating when depressed OR happy since last spring but only recently really hit…
I’ve been many sizes throughout my life but recently shot up 40 pounds and 6 dress sizes in a matter of less than 3 months. I also just quit drinking again after a relapse. Is it normal that right now I’m still gaining weight despite altering habits? ALSO: any suggestions for maintaining motivation when drinking or binge…
Hi! Recently rapidly gaining weight and what my doctor and I are pinpointing is that I tend to keep pace w whoever I’m around (around bf who is 6’4 and active, I’m 5’4 my job isn’t). I’m trying to make better choices but it’s tough and time consuming. My fall back is eating whatever and whenever he eats. How to work on…