Hi, I notice that sometimes my macros when calculating g calorie per g (protein 4, carb 4, fat 9) a quite higher than the calorie total in my fitnesspal. For example, tomorrow, protein 131 g *4, carbs 170 g * 4, fat 60 g * 9 = 1850 cal while it shows only 1631 in myfitnesspal. Should I continue to follow this plan or…
Hi, So I have read that I should have around 30+ g of protein for breakfast and have mainly carbs and fat before working out for energy. However, if I work out in the morning (before breakfast) then what should I focus more on my pre-workout meal (between carbs and protein)? I normally wake up and have Greek yogurt, kiwi,…
Hi. Can anyone please recommend affordable gym clothes for running outside this winter (as a college student)? I already have my gym clothes but I don’t think it is enough to warm me while I run. Thank you so much in advance. :) (sorry if I put this question in the wrong category)
Hi, I’m female/ 21 years old. I’m 128 lbs/ 5’7”. I work out 4-5 days a week. My goal is to lose fat and gain more muscles. My calorie deficit is 1500 cal. I aim to eat 120+ grams of protein per day. Should I eat less carb and more protein? Or this is fine? Thank you so much in advance for your suggestion. :)