I am quite out of shape. I'm 5'6" 175lbs. and am used to absolutely no movement whatsoever. I don't even walk up stairs if I can take an elevator - that's how lazy I am. I re-joined the gym last night and was only able to do 20 minutes on an elliptical trainer before I had to stop because I was dizzy and couldn't breathe.…
Again, if anyone has some great or even crappy web sites, post them here with a review so we know where to go or where to avoid. :)
I was hoping if anyone has read any books on thyroid disorders, you could post a little review here, positive or negative. I currently have "The thyroid and hormone connection" by Steven F. Hotze, M.D. but I have not read it yet. It seems to be a natural approach as opposed to taking mediciation. Could be interesting.
I met with my parents and my mom's doctor tonight to discuss the options for surgery & treatment of her breast cancer. She is going to have a masectomy of her right breast.I REALLY need some cheering up right now Post your funny pictures, jokes, flattering comments of me, etc. :)
Hi everyone. I have decided that from this day forward, I am going to change my life. I'm so unhappy with my weight and my appearance, I'm so disapointed in myself. I want to be happy. I want to look in the mirror and love what I see. I want to respect my body. It starts now. No excuses. I owe this to myself.