Back again after a re-gain of 60 lbs. :( But, I am now tracking food and working with a trainer 2x/week! I am very motivated. Does anyone else think that the estimates for cardio on MFP are WAY too high? I hate to trust that I actually burned that many calories when it's not true... Jessica
I started running 5Ks last year around this time. I had a PR two weeks ago, and I blasted it again yesterday. It's amazing because even though I haven't been training for the runs (been traveling a lot, etc), my strength is still here, inside me. I am hoping to make it to 200 pounds by the end of the year, which is amazing…
Before! Now!
I ran my first 5K last weekend, at just under 35 minutes. Unbelievable!
Hi everyone! This is a picture of me from a play I did in April. I have since lost 15-20 pounds (can't tell because I don't quite know how reliable the scales are that I use). I've made changes to my diet (eating more as "fuel", heavy on the raw goods) and work out every work day (30-45 minutes of cardio & about 45 minutes…