New to MyFitness

Hi everyone! This is a picture of me from a play I did in April. I have since lost 15-20 pounds (can't tell because I don't quite know how reliable the scales are that I use).

I've made changes to my diet (eating more as "fuel", heavy on the raw goods) and work out every work day (30-45 minutes of cardio & about 45 minutes of strength training). I feel great about the weight loss and the beautiful things happening to my body. I look forward to my work out each day. Oh, and I play tennis on the weekends, and I'm amazed at my level of conditioning out on the court now. The only problem with my strength gains is that I keep hitting the ball way out!

I'm at about 235 right now, and my mini-goal is 220 by my birthday in November. What a great present that would be. I look forward to the support and I LOVE success stories--keeps me from thinking I'll fail.