I have lost 13lbs and have 80lbs to go and I already hit a plateau. It's frustrating. I kind hit one around 9lbs and now again at 13lbs! I'm tracking my calories and activity and I believe I'm pretty accurate and I should have continued to lose but that's not the case. I haven't eaten anything very salty.... I thought…
For the second time since forever I walked (briskly) 3 miles with a friend on a trial . Afterwards I had a strange pain on my left foot. It's strange because it like a tiny sharp pain as if someone stabbed my needle through my foot top to bottom. It's located about an 2 inches down from the base of my pinky toe and an inch…
I feel I'm ready, completely mentally ready to take this journey. It's the perfect time to work on losing about 100lbs. Luckily this time I have a workout buddy who needs to lose about 50lbs. We go to the gym together but I thinks she's at a different place in her journey and don't think she's really ready and committed at…