I now weigh what my driver's license says I weigh!!!!!!!! Yippee. Down 19.5 lbs since March 3. I've got lots of shorts I cannot wear anymore. They are too big!!! Lovin this feeling. Thank, My Fitness Pal :)
3 month progress
It's been 3 months since I started my 'Happy 50th Birthday" journey. I've lost 15 lbs so far - would love to lose 10 more. I lose very slowly now - but consistently. Sometimes it takes me 2 weeks to lose 1 1/2 lbs and see it stay gone. I walk 3 miles a day (mostly outside) unless it's raining, then it's the treadmill, and…
Reebok EasyTones
I purchased these shoes for walking/treadmill 2 weeks ago. I can honestly say, I definately feel a difference when I wear these versus my regular work out shoes. Am walking an average of 45 - 60 minutes a day. Has anyone else tried these?