After months of not exercising and enjoying all the festive food I am now back almost to where I began. Its quite depressing but no ones fault but my own. Just like millions of other its time to do this thing right. Got rid of the junk food left over from christmas in my home, got a membership for swimming and started…
Been eating right and exercising almost every day and after 4 weeks of hard work I have lost 21lbs. Can wait to loss another 20.
Insanity came in the post today, so will start on Monday. Been reading reviews and watching before and after video so pumped for starting it. Wish me Good Luck
I have been picky all my life when it comes to food, for years I have been eating all the wrong things. I want to make a change in my life but finding it hard as most of the textures of fruit and veg put me off. I can eat carrots, potatoes and broccoli ok. But really that’s about it. I use a blender on a lot of foods now…