I'm trying to lose 30 pounds by June 15th... I eat under 1200 calories per day... I just started working out and made myself a program. Mondays- 30 mintues of cardio plus a leg workout Tuesday - 30 minutes of cardio plus a arm workout (dumbells) Wednesday- 30 minutes of cardio plus a abs workout Thursday- 30 minutes of…
I feel like I eat pretty well (when i want to ;) ) buttttttt then it comes to snacking :s i loveeeeee all things un-healthy. chips and dip (YUM!) ice cream, anything salty. Does anyone have any advice to curb these cravings and know of any really good tasting snack items??
Hi everyone, okay. I need HELP. I am about 60 pounds over my goal/healthy weight and am thinking about starting Les Mills. But I dont know very much about it or if it will knock off those 60 pounds. Help anyone??? :)