mscott9 Member


  • How may reps of each set?
  • Thanks sooo much for all the feedback, I really appreciate it.... but I'm new to being serious about getting healthy and finally dropping the weight. I have known I needed to do it for over 2 years now and have done the whole eat good for a week... then forget it... soo many times i cant count. But I've been consistent…
  • Ugh! HEAR YA! I'll be 21 on Friday and have been a healthy weight most of my life.... except this past year when I gained 60 pounds :s UGH!! any suggestions would be much appreciated, i suck at keeping up with eating right and working out. HELP
  • Really?! Thats awesome! I just saw that the local Y offers it two days a week and im hoping to start on Tuesday. but i'm nervous that I wont be able to keep up :s any advice?