Will this help me lose weight?

I'm trying to lose 30 pounds by June 15th... I eat under 1200 calories per day... I just started working out and made myself a program.

Mondays- 30 mintues of cardio plus a leg workout
Tuesday - 30 minutes of cardio plus a arm workout (dumbells)
Wednesday- 30 minutes of cardio plus a abs workout
Thursday- 30 minutes of cardioi plus a butt workout
Friday- 30 minutes of cardio plus arms again
Saturday - 30 minutes of cardio plus legs

Will I lose the 30 pounds I need to by following this plan?


  • ami5000psu
    ami5000psu Posts: 391 Member
    That's what? 11 weeks from now give or take a couple days? That would require losing over 2 pounds per week. Just based on that alone: No you will probably not be able to lose 30 pounds by June 15th. Set a more realistic goal and eat more than 1200 calories a day. Good luck to you.
  • ChrisLindsay9
    ChrisLindsay9 Posts: 837 Member
    If you're looking to burn bodyfat, then you may want to focus on full body workouts, and/or at least spend a good deal of time working the large upper body muscle groups (where you will burn a few more calories) such as the back (lats) and chest (pecs). And maybe separate your weight training and cardio days?

    Something like this:

    Mondays: Cardio 30 minutes, Ab Workout
    Tuesdays: Full Body Workout (strength training) for 30-45 minutes, HIIT cardio (10-15minutes)
    Wednesdays: Light Cardio 15 minutes, Ab Workout (or Rest Day)
    Thursdays: Cardio 30 minutes, HIIT cardio (10-15minutes)
    Fridays: Cardio 30 minutes, Ab Workout
    Saturdays: Full Body Workout (strength training) for 30-45 minutes, HIIT cardio (10-15minutes)
    Sundays: Rest Day

    You'll probably need to eat a bit more calories for this kind of routine. Your body needs energy to burn energy. It can't burn calories without the energy that comes from food.

    Good luck! Hope you reach your goals!
  • barebon
    barebon Posts: 80 Member
    30 pounds is an awful lot of weight in that amount of time. Cardio cardio cardio you may lose muscle but if you are focused on numbers that much you will be more apt to get there depending on how close you are to your ideal weight. Although plyometrics and circuits for an hour may be much more effective. And make certain your nutrition is in track. Not too many or two few or you will plateau.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Probably not, you'll just be tired and hangry.
  • HappyElizabeth
    HappyElizabeth Posts: 231 Member
    I don't know about 30 pounds, but the "under 1200 calories per day" thing will probably slow down your weight loss. I work out a lot, and can only lose weight if I eat at my TDEE minus 20%. I will plateau (and be really cold, hungry, weak and unable to sleep) at 1200 calories. I agree with the guy who recommended HIIT, that will melt your body (provided your metabolism is functioning properly because it's getting enough food). And of course, keep your calories clean and eat lots of protein.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    1) Up your calorie goal and eat back your exercise calories, especially with how much you'll be working out. You cannot expect your body to function well enough to lose weight if you are starving it.

    2) The cardio sounds good, might want to drop how many days a week you do it. Burnout is a concern. Also, the more you exercise, the more you have to eat. Without fuel your body won't be able to do the proper muscle repair to tighten muscles.

    3) Muscle burns calories more effectively than fat. So instead of endless cardio, through in some light weight days in the mix.

    4) Slow expectations. You can lose this weight! And you can do it and KEEP it off! Slow and steady wins the race. You can do this!
  • teez52
    teez52 Posts: 104 Member
    I'm trying to lose 30 pounds by June 15th... I eat under 1200 calories per day... I just started working out and made myself a program.

    Mondays- 30 mintues of cardio plus a leg workout
    Tuesday - 30 minutes of cardio plus a arm workout (dumbells)
    Wednesday- 30 minutes of cardio plus a abs workout
    Thursday- 30 minutes of cardioi plus a butt workout
    Friday- 30 minutes of cardio plus arms again
    Saturday - 30 minutes of cardio plus legs

    Will I lose the 30 pounds I need to by following this plan?

    Not a fan of this workout at all...not even once... For starters, your "butt workout" should be incorporated in your "leg workout" since that should include squats and dead lifts...You don't even touch your shoulders or back in this. Remember (I'm going to assume you are a female), you will not get "bulky" overnight by lifting, it's a gradual process so you'll be able to maintain once you get to a look that you like.

    Not sure what your current stats are, but eating under 1200 calories is not always a great idea, especially for an extended peroid of time. However, we can't really make that determination without knowing current weight, age, height, etc.

    My suggestion would be to look into Starting Strength or Stronglifts 5x5 and follow one of those programs. You can add your cardio in on top of that if you would like, but that's your call. Cardio to me is just a tool to use to keep your calorie deficit in check on days where you eat more than you should. Fat loss is made in the kitchen, not in the gym. Eat less and you'll drop weight. However if you don't lift while you are eating less you will see the scale drop, but might not like what you see in the mirror as much as you would think. That's where lifting comes in, it will allow you to lose fat and keep your lean body mass (LBM) which should be your goal.

    Remember, the mirror and your clothes are better measures of how well you are progressing than the scale is when you are incorporating lifting into your fitness program. If you like how you are starting to look and how much better your clothes are fitting, then who cares what the scale says!
  • KSD2013
    KSD2013 Posts: 1
    good Lucy!
  • I was like you once, I'd make a nice little plan for myself, expecting myself to workout one hour a day and eat a max of 1200 calories. If I ever went over I'd beat myself up (literally beat myself up) I'd be deppressed, it was a horrible time for me. Honestly, be smart and lose weight the right way. You'll be 1000x times happier, everybody on here is so supportive and kind. Be kind to yourself too. Setting a plan like that, you may not even stick to it, thus discouraging yourself.
  • Shelgirl001
    Shelgirl001 Posts: 477 Member
    You have to keep in mind that you most likely didn't gain the 30 pounds in that much time, so it won't be easy to lose it in that much time, either, nor would it be healthy for you if you did. You would probably become ill and not enjoy how you feel afterwards. If you have a time frame that you need to try and lose some weight in, fine, but 30 pounds is a lot. Be patient with yourself.
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    Probably not, you'll just be tired and hangry.
    1) Up your calorie goal and eat back your exercise calories, especially with how much you'll be working out. You cannot expect your body to function well enough to lose weight if you are starving it.

    2) The cardio sounds good, might want to drop how many days a week you do it. Burnout is a concern. Also, the more you exercise, the more you have to eat. Without fuel your body won't be able to do the proper muscle repair to tighten muscles.

    3) Muscle burns calories more effectively than fat. So instead of endless cardio, through in some light weight days in the mix.

    4) Slow expectations. You can lose this weight! And you can do it and KEEP it off! Slow and steady wins the race. You can do this!

    Both of these.
  • OspreyVista
    OspreyVista Posts: 464 Member
    That's what? 11 weeks from now give or take a couple days? That would require losing over 2 pounds per week. Just based on that alone: No you will probably not be able to lose 30 pounds by June 15th. Set a more realistic goal and eat more than 1200 calories a day. Good luck to you.

    ^ this. I also majorly agree with the eat more. It has been my experience that by eating to little I end up stalling on weight loss. Look up your BMR and eat above that, but below your TDEE. 1 lb a week is a good goal to go for, and it allows you to make a lifestyle change.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    If you're looking to burn bodyfat, then you may want to focus on full body workouts, and/or at least spend a good deal of time working the large upper body muscle groups (where you will burn a few more calories) such as the back (lats) and chest (pecs). And maybe separate your weight training and cardio days?

    Something like this:

    Mondays: Cardio 30 minutes, Ab Workout
    Tuesdays: Full Body Workout (strength training) for 30-45 minutes, HIIT cardio (10-15minutes)
    Wednesdays: Light Cardio 15 minutes, Ab Workout (or Rest Day)
    Thursdays: Cardio 30 minutes, HIIT cardio (10-15minutes)
    Fridays: Cardio 30 minutes, Ab Workout
    Saturdays: Full Body Workout (strength training) for 30-45 minutes, HIIT cardio (10-15minutes)
    Sundays: Rest Day

    You'll probably need to eat a bit more calories for this kind of routine. Your body needs energy to burn energy. It can't burn calories without the energy that comes from food.

    Good luck! Hope you reach your goals!

    I think this ^^^ is a much better routine than your original routine OP. Also, I would agree that if you're working out, you need to eat more. If you're doing the 1,200 calorie thing per MFP, that already has a significant deficit built in for weight loss...there is no reason to make it bigger...losing weight faster is not ideal and will only cause you more problems down the road (and ultimately take longer than slow and steady). With MFP's 1,200 calorie plan, you are expected to fuel your exercise...i.e. eat back exercise calories.

    Also, your weight loss goal is completely unrealistic and will ultimately leave you frustrated, angry, and probably in a big 'ole plateau that you're going to have to spend weeks and months to dig yourself out of. If you only have 30Lbs to lose, that suggest that you are just slightly overweight and your body will not respond well to large calorie deficits. If you were obese, it would be a different story. I had 35-40 Lbs to lose when I started...I've lost 30 of those in 6 months going slow and steady...no plateaus...just steady weight loss.

    There are just too many ups and downs with weight loss to set a hard date to lose xxx Lbs by. You're going to have weeks where you maintain...then weeks where you lose...then weeks where you might even put on a pound or two before dropping a couple the next week. You're going to have natural body weight fluctuations due to water retention/release, as well as food in/out...waste in you intestines, etc. You cannot control these things, but they show up on the scale none-the-less; this is why you will always hear people say, weight loss is not linear.
  • Eileen889
    Eileen889 Posts: 117
    That's what? 11 weeks from now give or take a couple days? That would require losing over 2 pounds per week. Just based on that alone: No you will probably not be able to lose 30 pounds by June 15th. Set a more realistic goal and eat more than 1200 calories a day. Good luck to you.
    I agree with this. 1200 Cal. a day isn't enough fuel for the body to power most people through a good cardio workout.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I'm trying to lose 30 pounds by June 15th... I eat under 1200 calories per day... I just started working out and made myself a program.

    Mondays- 30 mintues of cardio plus a leg workout
    Tuesday - 30 minutes of cardio plus a arm workout (dumbells)
    Wednesday- 30 minutes of cardio plus a abs workout
    Thursday- 30 minutes of cardioi plus a butt workout
    Friday- 30 minutes of cardio plus arms again
    Saturday - 30 minutes of cardio plus legs

    Will I lose the 30 pounds I need to by following this plan?

    When I see these types of posts with a specific weight loss number and a hard target date, I always think -

    A) Do you want to lose weight AND keep it off??
    B) Or are you just interested in a crash diet for one specific event in your life.

    If your answer is (A)...you need to stop thinking 'diet' and start thinking lifestyle change.

    If your answer is (B)....good luck. You'll be tired and hungry, you still may not reach your goal. And what happens after June 15th?

    The most successful weight to lose and maintain is the sensible approach. Pick a higher calorie goal, 1200 is too low. There's no sense working out 6 days a week if you're not going to fuel your body properly!
  • palmerar
    palmerar Posts: 489 Member
    I think if you focus on a combination of weight lifting, cardio, and yoga or pilates, plus eating TDEE- 20% OR what MFP recommends for 1 lb a week you'll probably LOOK like you've dropped some weight. Don't focus so much on numbers focus on eating healthy and exercising hard but both in ways that you can sustain until June.
  • mscott9
    mscott9 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks sooo much for all the feedback, I really appreciate it.... but I'm new to being serious about getting healthy and finally dropping the weight. I have known I needed to do it for over 2 years now and have done the whole eat good for a week... then forget it... soo many times i cant count. But I've been consistent this time around and have found that I loveeee working out! Its become a habit now and I love that.

    Can you suggest any plans for me to follow? (with details) I'm not a fan of dvds so a plan that I can do at my gym or with dumbells would be awesome..... obviously I'm terrible at knowing what to do exactly!!!

    My stats are---

    Weight: 172
    Age: 21
    Height: 5'4

    again thanks so much everyone
  • ChrisLindsay9
    ChrisLindsay9 Posts: 837 Member
    If we go with a plan like this:

    Mondays: Cardio 30 minutes, Ab Workout
    Tuesdays: Full Body Workout (strength training) for 30-45 minutes, HIIT cardio (10-15minutes)
    Wednesdays: Light Cardio 15 minutes, Ab Workout (or Rest Day)
    Thursdays: Cardio 30 minutes, HIIT cardio (10-15minutes)
    Fridays: Cardio 30 minutes, Ab Workout
    Saturdays: Full Body Workout (strength training) for 30-45 minutes, HIIT cardio (10-15minutes)
    Sundays: Rest Day

    MONDAYS: Cardio (Treadmill, Elliptical, or Bike), Sit-Ups/Crunches, Air Bikes, Leg Raises, Planks (3 sets each in a circuit)

    TUESDAYS: Warm-Up, Bodyweight or Dumbbell Squats, Dumbbell Lunges, Lat Pulldown, Seated Row Machine, Chest Press Machine, Chest Pec Fly Machine, Front Dumbbell Raise, Side/Lateral Dumbbell Raise, Dumbbell Hammer Bicep Curls, & Cable Tricep Pulldown (3 sets each with 45-90 second breaks, before moving on to next exercise)

    WEDNESDAYS: Light Cardio (Treadmill, Elliptical, or Bike), Sit-Ups/Crunches, Air Bikes, Leg Raises, Planks (3 sets each in a circuit), Sit-Ups/Crunches, Air Bikes, Leg Raises, Planks (3 sets each in a circuit) * or Rest Day

    THURSDAYS: Cardio (Treadmill, Elliptical, or Bike), Mountain Climbers, Jumping Jacks, Burpees (3 sets of 30-60 seconds each)

    FRIDAYS: Cardio (Treadmill, Elliptical, or Bike), Sit-Ups/Crunches, Air Bikes, Leg Raises, Planks (3 sets each in a circuit)

    SATURDAYS: Warm-Up, Jump Squats, Leg Press Machine, Leg Extension Machine, Leg Curl Machine, Assisted Pull-Up or Smith Machine Inverted Pull-Up, Barbell Bench Press, Dumbbell Overhead Press, Wide Bicep Curl, Seated Tricep Press (3 sets each with 45-90 second breaks, before moving on to next exercise)

    I tried to come up with exercises that would be ideal for beginner. And I tried to put more emphasis on the larger muscle groups, which should help in increased fat burning. Much of the lower body exercises work the quads, hamstrings, and glutes. If you find that these exercises are challenging or confusing, you can substitute other exercises or ask someone at the gym (a trainer or experienced lifter) for some help with form or a spot. For more information on how to do these exercises, check out this site: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/ for videos/pictures, etc.

    Hope this is of some help, good luck!
  • 1) Up your calorie goal and eat back your exercise calories, especially with how much you'll be working out. You cannot expect your body to function well enough to lose weight if you are starving it.

    2) The cardio sounds good, might want to drop how many days a week you do it. Burnout is a concern. Also, the more you exercise, the more you have to eat. Without fuel your body won't be able to do the proper muscle repair to tighten muscles.

    3) Muscle burns calories more effectively than fat. So instead of endless cardio, through in some light weight days in the mix.

    4) Slow expectations. You can lose this weight! And you can do it and KEEP it off! Slow and steady wins the race. You can do this!

    Nailed it.
  • lbesaw
    lbesaw Posts: 267 Member
    You will--and you don't have to starve or kill yourself working out to do it. Be patient--get the plan on track and go......Good luck!