20 somethings!

My name is Lisa and this is yet another journey I am starting to lose weight. I have been successful in the past, only to be disappointed by perpetual weight gain. I am 24, and looking for the support of not only people my age, but those sharing the same experiences as myself. Please feel free to add me as a friend!


  • jensauce
    jensauce Posts: 150 Member
    hey girl, i'm 26 and know exactly how you feel, as i'm in the same boat. good luck, and i'm adding you now =)
  • Hai Lisa!

    I'm Kitty, I'm 25 and OMG do I hear ya! I have been trying to lose weight for years now but am finally getting the motivation I need to get to where I want. I joined up on here because I loved how I could calculate everything and also help motivate friends! Unfortunately the two IRL friends who joined with me bailed after a couple of weeks, I kinda did after that but after a 500gm weight gain I am back and more determined than ever!

    Sending a friend request now!

    Kitty :D
  • akafede
    akafede Posts: 52 Member
    Hi I'm 22 and I've been trying to lose weight before with no success, but now I really feel like I'm making a difference in my life style and of course also i'm losing weight. Feel free to add me =)
  • I know how it goes! 26 and watched the weight pile on year after year........ Now I'm watching it go down week by week :)
  • RedMeeko
    RedMeeko Posts: 24 Member
    I'm 24 been fat my whole life. Ready to not be fat! Friend request sent.
  • mscott9
    mscott9 Posts: 7 Member
    Ugh! HEAR YA! I'll be 21 on Friday and have been a healthy weight most of my life.... except this past year when I gained 60 pounds :s UGH!! any suggestions would be much appreciated, i suck at keeping up with eating right and working out. HELP
  • lisamichele06
    lisamichele06 Posts: 4 Member
    So happy to hear all of your replies!! It's helpful to know others are in the same situation and working hard too :)
  • xsugarfairyx
    xsugarfairyx Posts: 28 Member
    I am 25 so fall into this category, im only just beginning my journey and would appreciate adding some of you to keep me on track x
  • msafunk
    msafunk Posts: 163 Member
    I'm turning 25 next month.

    I've never felt really skinny, but I've never been this fat. Looking back at pictures of myself in 2005-2006 (right after high school), I was 135ish and teeny tiny. I got up to 195lbs because I had a boyfriend who loved fast food and got me addicted, then we went off to college together, and I sat on my *kitten* a lot.

    I still sit on my *kitten* all day (the curse of the web designer), but I've dropped the fast-food junkie of a boyfriend (along with 10lbs so far!), found a great guy who loves being active, and I'm trying to lose enough weight to keep up with him on a soccer field.
  • hungergames324
    hungergames324 Posts: 240 Member
    Hey! I'm 24 also! I'm going to add you!
  • andreasigurdar
    andreasigurdar Posts: 1 Member
    im 25, i've been here on and off for the last 6months, i would really love to have some friends around my age :)
    so feel free to add me !
  • roxinronni
    roxinronni Posts: 20 Member
    Hey I'm 22 and have always struggled with a little extra pudge. Went to University for a year then started to notice my pants where alot tighter and that I had gained more weight then I thought :(

    The good thing is this site is superrrrr helpful and there's lots of great people on here to talk to for motivation and support.

    Add me if you like :)
  • aberman6
    aberman6 Posts: 13 Member
    Hey guys! I've struggled with my weight and various diets my whole life, and college has not been so nice to be in that sense. I'm only 20, but it would be really nice to have some friends that are closer to my age. Feel free to add me :)
  • I'm 28 and also looking for support! Adding you now :)
  • Same here! I'm 22 and starting to get back into the swing of things and If any of yall need support or anything like that just add me if youll do the same :)
  • LessThanLev
    LessThanLev Posts: 5 Member
    I'm almost 22 and need support too! Adding everyone on this thread :)
  • Agree with and am in the same situation as you and everyone's else that commented...adding now :)
  • hey :)

    I'm 26 and I'm looking for more support. feel free to add me x
  • ZivileZu
    ZivileZu Posts: 56 Member
    I'm 26 and still on the never-ending (it seems) journey to finally lose weight and shape up! Although I've never been overweight by a whole lot, but as I grow older, I've noticed that my body becomes much more flabby... I suppose its now or never at the moment :)
  • LT90x
    LT90x Posts: 18 Member
    'All in the same boat' springs to mind'. Likewise I have always been squishy! Feel free to add me as a friend :smile: x