Hi, I have been working out three times a week doing military style circuits, each class is 1 hour long and consists of three circuits of 22 sets combining weights, cardio, boxing and abb work. I am watching what I eat, but have not lost any weight :( I am concerned that I am building up too much muscle, particularly upper…
Hi, I am a busy mum of 4 or 5 if you count my husband lol, My last baby has just started school and inbetween caring for my dad and school runs etc. I have finally found 1-2 hours of me time. I have never before been able to join any classes because of childcare issues, my husband works a day job and runs a football team…
I have been a member for a while but only logged on now and again, been away for about 8 month or longer and the few friends i had have deleted me :( , cant blame them I was not offering them any support. I am a stay at home mum for 4 kids and a carer for my elderly father. My father had a severe stroke about 8 months ago…
Hi, does anyone have any tips on exercises that I can do, which will help me tone up, lose weight but maintain my chest size :embarassed: It has taken just over 17 years an 4 kids to finally achieve a B cup lol, and I do not want to lose what little I have haha! any advice would be appreciated.