I have been doing so so well with my weight, and watching what I eat. But today I went severely down hill and couldn't stop eating horrible stuff! Did I just ruin all of my progress? Will I instantly gain back a few pounds and did I stomp on all of my progress? HELP!
Hey guys! Hope all is going well for you! I am just wondering if anyone has any insight on how to make calves slimmer. I have been told that some exercises can actually make your calves appear bigger. Lets just say- I do NOT want that.
I am debating whether or not to try out Zumba. Has anyone here done it? Is it a good work out? Is it challenging? I am not out of shape, so will I be bored out of my mind?
Today I tried on my size 25 Silver jeans! They fit soooo nice! Not tight at all I even have room in them! That just made my day.
Does anyone know any good tummy fat blasting workouts? AND also love handle workouts?
I just joined MFP because I found it on a google search, and I thought it sounded worth trying out. I am 5'6 and I weigh 120 pounds. I am just trying to drop some weight, because I am not always comfortable with how I look. I don't believe in the starving mumbo jumbo, but I would love to cut down how much I eat. Also, does…