Okay, here goes! I started in may of last year doing Power 90. Completed my 90 days, never skipped a day, did awesome & lost 25 pounds. Then I went on to Power 90 Master Series. Liked it. Finished it. Lost an additional 5 pounds. Kept on doing it through the Christmas holidays. Gained a few pounds back. On January 2nd, I…
Anyone have a good recipe? I'm starting to crave pumpkin. i figure it might make a nice addition to my protein shake!
Anyone done it? What were your results like? I just finished Power 90 and lost 25 pounds, and toned up a bunch. I'd like to lose about 15 more, and keep defining. I'm hoping this is the program to do it. Right now, the plan is to do this up until mid-November, then start P90X in December. Love Tony Horton!
We're going out for Vietnamese tonight. I know the shrimp rice paper rolls are about 120 calories each, but anyone know about anything else? Good choices? Maybe chicken pho? I have around 1000 calories left to eat today, so I know I'll be good and within my limit if I make good choices. I just don't want anything to sneak…