I don't normally start a thread but I just have to say this because a friend of mine is being continually bullied about recipes he shares. Does anyone feel that recipes should have to have the origin listed or that they should be arrested for copyright infringement? Sounds so silly to me. When someone posts a recipe I…
I'd like your thoughts on "Curves" before I decide to join. I don't want to go to a gym and I heard this only takes about 30 minutes which I could do right after work. Thank you all......
had to delete - will start over later - dang......lost my pictures!! :(
I started this a little over 4 months ago and have lost 35 pounds. I am disappointed that there does not seem to be much of a difference, but I will not get discouraged this time! August 16th, 2011 January 1st, 2012
I've lost 32 pounds in just over 90 days......I wanted to post some pictures.....got the link from photobucket but I can't figure out how to make them show up... Anyone have some simple instructions? Ugh...I'm so picture challenged!!!
In the old days I was of the mindset to reward myself with a food treat when I reached a certain goal. Now somehow this time around that does not feel like the right thing to be doing! Anyone got any suggestions or ideas? I have lost 20 pounds and want to do something nice for "me"...... and some ideas to tuck away for my…
I started this journey on August 16th. I have lost 19 pounds. My goal was to lose 20 by today (turning 60) and I almost made it! Don't know how I will do today with all the tempations, but I'll be back on the wagon by in the morning. I hope this site has been as good for you as it has been for me! I would love to hear from…