it's probably been said before but i'm actually annoyed by the inaccuracy of them today a friend of mine and me used various calculators, he's 5'7 and trying to lose weight i'm 6'4 and trying to gain weight so tipping the both ends of the scales quite fairly, we took measurements and used 4 or 5 different calculators, at…
ok to try and not ramble too much i'm doing this: yesterday i did 15 normal, 5 on knees, 2 mins rest, 12 then 8 and literally just managed the last 8 on my knees today i'm fine i have no soreness or anything and will be doing the same tonight, now i'm…
anyone know if there's a difference between eating rolled oats raw or cooked, until today i've always cooked them, but today in all honesty i couldn't bothered to wait 5 mins for the microwave lol so i just added my milk and sugar and ate away and it was sooooo much easier to eat the same portion, from a weight gain…
so the story is when i was in my teens i had a bike accident, i dislocated both my shoulders, my right one wasn't as damaged as the left, and as i'm building up muscle i've noticed my left lateral delt is lagging somewhat behind my right side (same excersize, same weight, same form) and it's getting to the point where i…