So I have successfully lost 45 lbs in 5 months....I am allowed 1,300 cals per day and workout 6 days a week for 2 1/2 hours..that pretty much burns about 950 cals per day...haven't lost anything for 2 weeks..I know this is normal..but any of you have any suggestions on how to get out of a plateu????????
all I can say is CRRRRAAAAPPPP!!!!!! are there any drill sergents out there?....need some constructive criticism to get my butt back on the ball!!!!!
well I have lost 49lbs and I was taking a look at my driver's license photo...I hardley recognize my's so you think I should get that updated?
51 lbs lost...but my inches has been at a stand still for over 4 waist is stuck at 38 inches...and I have done side-bends with weights and name it..I've done it...I want my waist to get smaller...any suggestions????
Hey everyone...I need some new ideas for a cardio routine.....getting tired of day in and day out on the treadmill...something fun...any suggestions?????
This website has helped me SO much with my weight loss journey..I've got 38lbs to go!!!!!