How to avoid the greasy goodness of pizza when you work ther
Ok my question is how do I avoid eating pizza when I make them and work at a pizza place? I love italian food, and pizza is my big thing my question is how do I avoid pizza so that I avoid as much greasy food as possible. Please someone help me! I want to lose weight, but I don't want my love for pizza to get in the way of…
Ok I have just found out that there was an indoor pool in my comkmunity, and I was wondering what kind of swimming exercises are good for your abs, and arms. I never really swim seriously other than just for fun. Also how do you do water dancing...At least I think that it is called that. Hope for some great advice, and I…
6 am workout...?
Ok I am a night owl, and feel so much energy at night than any part of the day. Though I say that but now since I have morning classes I do feel a bit sluggish, but I find it hard to get any well worth exercising in especially when now I have a job. I won't exercise in the evening becaue I either have to study or cook for…