Stupid question, please answer anyway!
I'm 170 and 5'3". I have 100-ish lean mass. Obviously need to lose weight. Thing is, I know what I'm willing to do long term, (about half an hour a day walk or bike ride accompanied by only unprocessed healthy eating) to maintain good health. In fact, ive been excersing like that for years, and about 3 months ago cut out…
O blood type and exercise
I've read a book recently wherein a doctor wrote about the difference blood type makes in diet, and briefly mentions difference in how exercise can impact us based on blood type. What I am curious about is if you are an O blood type, does vigorous exercise at night cause problems for going to sleep?
Getting discouraged
I have lost 15 pounds, which is great. But once I went from a 14 to a 10, instead of celebrating this progress all I feel is the anxiety to get even smaller. Granted, that was always the plan, but I don't see why I (or anybody losing weight) shouldn't be able to celebrate the steps on the way. Anyone have suggestions on…