I stayed up until around 2:30 in the morning last "night" and woke up around 12:30 this afternoon. I ate breakfast, but if I plan on going to bed at normal time (10 or 11) then should I eat just two meals because I'm awake less time? I ate breakfast at 2:30
I ate more food than usual over this week because family was over my house and I gained 2-3 pounds because all we had in the house was junk food. (They don't eat healthy) The pounds stuck and I can't figure out how to lose it because (even though they left) there is still some food left and I find myself tempted by it.…
Where are your fatty spots and what do you do about it? I have very skinny arms, neck, and shoulders. You can even see my bones in my chest, however my thighs have a lot of fat and so does my belly! I am losing the pounds in the wrong places. How can I lose it where I need to?