Does cold weather feel great to anyone else? I live in Southern California and the weather has been in the 50's and I am breathing easier, I cant stand to have the heater on and I must have the windows open while I sleep for the fresh air, one night I had the heater on and I woke up in the middle of the night from not…
In a long time that I have not had any soda at all not even a sip, I feel fine but am worried about tomorrow! I hope I can break this habit. Once about 6 years ago I stopped drinking soda for about two months and I lost 10 lbs. I know soda has been part of my downfall so I hope to kick it once and for all!
I have had Asthma for quite a while now and I find it so hard sometimes to excersize. I have a really fair complexion so when I do I get so red and I get embarrased when I am at the gym because people sometimes stare at me. I geuss I just have to ignore them but its hard. Anyone out there deal with similar problems?