I hit the gym at work every day this week. Monday, Wednesday and today I did week 1 of Couch to 5K and didn't quit! Tuesday and Thursday I walked on the treadmill at 3mph for 30 minutes. This is a huge deal for me and so I just wanted to brag a bit. Thanks = )
Due to my lack of will-power, my not tracking food and giving in too often to temptation this past week, I have gained 2.8 pounds. I am finding it very hard to eat right lately. I have lost 20 pounds since starting in September and find myself getting complacent. I still have another 30 to 40 to reach goal, and can't seem…
My wedding ring just slipped on my finger without any problems. It's been too tight to fit comfortably for SO long!
and no longer Obese!!!! BMI is 29.7 instead of 33.2 when I started!!! YAY!!!
My work slacks are baggy!!!! Visibly baggy! I can't wait until I am officially my first size smaller!
But I can't seem to stay off of here. What should you be doing right now?
How in the world am I supposed to take these things when they are the size of my pinky finger???! I gag on them every time. Can anyone suggest one that doesn't require a non-existant gag reflex in order to swallow it?
New here and looking to make some friends. I've done WW before and found success, but I wanted something I could do without having to go to meetings or shell out extra money for "dues". Hubby and I started on Saturday and I've already lost 2 lbs!