Are recumbent bikes as good of a cardio workout for losing weight as other exercises? Has anyone lost any weight using this as their primary form of cardio exercise? My go-to exercise has always been walking on a treadmill with an incline or walking outside, and that has been successful. I'm just a little bored with…
I've started to wear a heart rate monitor when I am working out - the kind that has a band that straps around my chest. Every morning at 5am, I do a 3-mile walk and I burn around 200 cal. Yesterday, I did this same walk around 11am - I had been up for a couple of hours, reading and had more energy than my usual 5am walks.…
I'd like to set up an incentive program for myself to reward myself for each weight loss goal reached (vs. reaching my final goal weight). Does anyone else do this? What are your milestones? How/What do you reward yourself with?