thinking about starting to do yogo and found Jillian Michaels Yoga meltdown dvd.. Need opinions about this before i buy it, any comments are good info. Also if u know any good Pilates dvds let me know as well miss doing Piltates and need it back in my life.. The weight is coming off and this is my way to TONE Tone tone…
Need to get one of these hrm... Any good suggestions It needs to count calories burn for all types of excercise including Zumba, Insanity, and Belly Dancing Wanna get Very SEXY and know that im burning the right amount of calories... Thanks
Just did the pure cardio Insanity video and logged it into my fitness. i put it under high intenisty aerbics because there is nothing in this system to add insanity. I did 35 mins and it said i burned 240 calories. Is this about right? Please let me know, need info
Just joined and Happy to b part of this crew!!!