jholland99 Member


  • I agree belly dancing is cardio workout but u do use a lot of muscles. i have gained but i went from 126.4 on 6/8 to 126.8 today but i did lose some body fat 6/8 i was 27.6% today im 26.8% body fat I think im gaining muscle since i started doing the insanity workouts.. i feel the muscle growing especially in my legs
  • Sun 06/17/12 06:08 PM Im female weight 126.4 last week w body fat at 27% I use a scale that shows the weight, body fat%, and h20 but need new batteries and what to see if it is the same as the scan food intake varys on workout days and non workout days workout food anywhere from 1300-1700 calories/ no workout days 1300-…
  • I just tryed belly dancing fitness class for the "1st Time Ever " and it is a great core and muscle workout.. i just bought a polar ft40 watch to wear to see the amount of calories im burning and it was 415 calories burned in a 90 min class 47% of those calories burned were from fat just an idea.. did i forget to mention…
  • I just tryed belly dancing fitness class for the "1st Time Ever " and it is a great core and muscle workout.. i just bought a polar ft40 watch to wear to see the amount of calories im burning and it was 415 calories burned in a 90 min class 47% of those calories burned were from fat just an idea.. did i forget to mention…
  • Doing a couple of different things helps keep it interesting and u dont get bored. keep at it!!! u do feel good when u eat right and see the improvements Cheers to u and new friends to help us stay on track :)
  • Great job girl!! Keep it up and choose fun things to do to keep u going What are u doing? cardio or strenght training
  • Im female weight 126.4 last week w body fat at 27% I use a scale that shows the weight, body fat%, and h20 but need new batteries and what to see if it is the same as the scan food intake varys on workout days and non workout days workout food anywhere from 1300-1700 calories/ no workout days 1300- 1500 calories
  • The Herbalife's Body Analysis involves electronic scan showing ur lean body mass, how many calories burning at rest, & ur target weight. . Based on the results, it will recommend the amount of personal protein needs for building & maintaining lean muscle. Its $20. Do u recommend this? Last week my body fat % was 27.6 my…
  • Thanks for the comment.. didn't think i was gonna get a response might try it out and figured that it was " not calming" she is intense Starting belly dancing fitness classes for the summer and then might start that in the fall
  • How much protein is good to eat for a women? should it vary day to day or stay the same? I am 126 pounds at the moment and want to lose a little bit more but need to hit the weights to gain muscle and get lean
  • I have been doing abs abs abs cardio cardio cardio lost 9 pounds and then started doing insanity the pasted 2 weeks but no weight lose :( hope im getting muscle mass and will b losing more weight soon. Just wanna be lean and i agree strenght training is important
  • Is that a homemade pizza? it looks good.... what is in it? Love pizza its my favoirte Ever
  • That is so true... Was happy to start swim suit shopping and last yr i was not happy about being in a swim suit got a picture of me and it looks awful Not this time around YAYYYYY MEEEEE!!! THIS YEAR I CAN"T WAIT Feeling good about me and starting to look good too!! Summer here we come need a New Sexy SWIM SUIT TO MATCH my…
  • HOW Does more strenght trainer and that 1 day of cardio help? I thought lots of cardio and litt strenght training helped u lose weight and get lean
  • to matt I have a question. if u want to lose weight should u do lots of cardio first then use weights later when u lose the weight so u don't bulk up and become lean inside of thick I lost 9 pounds and Bern doing mostly cardio but started doing insanity on my 5th video since last week....
  • That would b Great having ur own chef I would love that to but not happening. So me cooking my own stuff but great goal. Hope it happens for u
  • Thanks and it does take work!!! I do feel that fresh food can b costly fruits and vegetables. That is why frozen fruits and vegetables are a good buy and they don't go to waste ... Loving the new me and makes me want to Workout HARDER. Financial freedom is a Great goal but if u can grow these items then I see saving $$$.…
  • Looking for a calorie counter and so far I found the polar ft40 in white and it has a lot of good features for $95 on amazon.. I was wondering if there was a cheaper one that does the same or close. Need it to track my caloires for all types of workouts including insanity, zumba, walking outside, and belly dancing. any…
  • I love it u are so Right!!!! WE BUY STUFF AND DONT REALLY USE IT i havn't used my Full "insanity program".. i have started the meal program for the first month w my boyfriend but didnt do the workouts w it and lost 10 pounds. it wasnt easy making 10 meals a day so we took a break and we also found it was very expensive.…
  • Become friends w people that will help u stay motivayed and they can always help u
    in MY GOAL Comment by jholland99 May 2012
  • I have been using my fitness for 32 days and I need .8 more to reach my weight goal.. this is my first goal then need to tone down so more weights and less cardio maybe. My tip: do fun things that burn calories so u want to do it again like today I walked by the water outside and loved it. Good luck my friends and STOP…
    in MY GOAL Comment by jholland99 May 2012
  • thanks for that tip:smile: what is a hrm?
  • A friend of mine that likes to run and is serious about working out told me " cut down on the bread"
  • My goal is to get into a good workout rountie that works for me.. I use to have a good workout rountie but life happens. I stopped working out at the time spending time with family was more important and finishing my assoc degree... Need to get back to my happy place because I want to feel good about myself when i hit the…