Brownie Pudding Black Onyx Cocoa Powder, 1T Betty Crocker - Supermoist cake mix 20 g Cytosport - 100% Whey Protein Vanilla, 31 g a generous 1/4 cup water a pinch of salt to taste Place all in a microwave safe cup and microwave and cook on high. In my microwave 53 seconds is perfect. You want it like an under cooked cake or…
My 11 year old daughter is allergic to dairy, wheat, pork and bananas. I worry she's not getting enough protein. To make matters worse she's not a big nut or meat eater, actually she's not a big eater period. I'm looking for a protein powder she'll drink, or neutral enough she won't notice if I slip it in her food. I bake…
Okay since last year i've lost 82 lbs and gotten in better shape. My doctors have commented that my fitness health is pretty good. At 5'5 and 3/4 128 lbs I've gone far and now I want to replace my soft squshie leftovers with more firm parts. Lol okay I can't get the belly to go, my arms could use improvement etc... Also…
The Wii went from tauntingly calling me obese to over weight and now i'm normal!!! Prednizine and MCTD take that!!! I've still got a bit more to go but I can sure see the results! I'm way more toned all over, and I can ride my bike at a moderate intensity for 1 hour 20 minutes without suffering for days afterword. I just…