Along with proper nutrition, physical activity is an important aspect in daily life. It helps keep diseases away like cancer and osteoporosis, and it also ramps up the bodies ability to burn calories. Health Canada recommends a person get 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity a week. What does that look like? On a…
What are some of your barriers to eating healthy? What strategies do you have to overcome these? What strategies do you need?
Alright folks, along with the nutrition, we have to add a bit o exercises. Here's the daily plan to start: Three exercises- Push-ups (wall, modified, or full), squats, and planks(straight arm or on forearms) Do: 8 rounds, 20 seconds work 10 seconds rest. As many reps as you can in 20 seconds. Rest 1 minute between each…
The Y is offering 5 free visits for the New Year, no obligations. Come down and try it!
Hey gang, I'm a fairly new user to this site and think it's one of the better one's out there for depth of foods and exercises! I'm using it now to keep track of my daily intake and expenditure to ensure I don't regain the weight- I used to weigh 400lbs and am now down to 225lb and running half marathons! Got so into…