MFP beats WW any day!
This is such a great site. Its free as compared to WW who charge me a small fortune to tell me how many points (calories) something is. MFP has a far better support system. You can come on here anytime, ask a question, and get attacked far less then WW. I dont even bother going on their boards anymore. I asked a question…
Please help my phobia !!!!
I just can't get past this eating more. I am eating 1200-1300 cals but I run everyday about 6.5k and I dont eat what I burn. To me the more you burn the more you lose. SO why would I eat more. Can someone please explain this to me cuz maybe I am starving myself. Although I'm not that hungry. Ughh I just got over my year…
Low Thyroid, anyone else
I was diagnoised with Hypothyroid back in September. I'm on synthroid and had my my dosage increased 4 times already. I am going for bloodwork soon to see if this is the right dose. Being hypo has made it sooooo hard to lose weight. I basically have been just maintaining with a weight loss of about 5 lbs and then…