I have stopped keeping track of my food, and not losing weight. I have lost 100 pounds, with more to go. The LAST thing I need is to re-gain an ounce of what I have already lost. Need to step up my game, tracking my food is the first step.
So far the things I have found on this site - I like. It is so easy to add the foods I have eaten during the day. It has taken me 3 years to lose 100 pounds. I have another 50 - 60 pounds to go. As the holiday season comes closer, I need more & more help. Sometimes I am not hungry when I go to a party, but the smells are…
Some times I have trouble getting in all the needed water. I am also hearing & have read that 6 classes of water is plenty because the food we eat makes fluid. So, it 8 glasses or 6 glasses. :smile: