Hey ladies great sale going on!
i stopped at Fashion Bug yesterday and got some great stuff. just about the entire store is 40%off and that goes for inimates too. i havent been in there in such a very long time because i never liked their style but it looks like they've upgraded a bit. i did find some really fute things.my subtotal was about $300 and i…
Product Review
...hope im allowed to post this but has anyone used the Roca Lab Formula? if so did you get good results and were able to keep off the weight? https://www.rocalabs.com/en/?gclid=COPf_KfyjK0CFUio4AodNAKRGg
Adding fun to fitness
i was getting really bored at the gym so i decided to switch up the routine and do dance class once a week -replacing a day at the gym. cant wait for January when classes start again. Belly Dancing. its sooo much fun, its a grat workout and its sexy too. if you have tried it ladies do so! im in Baltimore and the classes…
Meal Replacements
is there anyone whose doing shakes.smoothies if so how is that working for you> does it keep you full? i startes with shakes and now my body is used to them and they no longer satisfy my appetite. so im giving them a break just to get out of routine.
hello all. my intro
...well not really. i signed up and got started then slacked off :( off and on. i lost about 60 lbs. working towards another 100 lbs-as my new goal. right now my scale is stuck. i think i need to switch my routine. i was doing the meal replacement shakes and low calorie meals and the weight came off quickly. for the most…