As I'm revamping my daily meals, my downfall seems to be too much sugar intake. Is there a magic numbers as to how many grams of sugar i should have daily? I love to hear your input, thanks!
So for the past few months i've been going to the gym 5 days a week. I must say, that's the longest i've ever gone consecutively. I usually start, go gung-ho for a few weeks, then one week, then a few days and then i'm back on the couch, snacking on nothing good for me, and hating myself for giving up. Well this changed!…
I recently puchased a blueberry muffin mix from the bulk section on Winco. Has anyone bought this, and do you know how many calories per muffin? Thanks!
Hi, After my workouts, i have a bowl of honey nut cheerios and half cup of 2% milk, or a couple of pieces of toast with a small glass of OJ. I'd like to eat something that is low in sugar, high in protein and somewhat filling. Let me know your thoughts!
Hi Everyone! I'm an out of shape athlete trying ot get back into shape. I would love to to trim down and be healthy. I'm not looking to be a supermodel or The Incredible Hulk, but i do want my to get my athletic bod back. Any suggestion for someone like me to jump start this transition? ~Mon