What workshops have you taken? Which would you recommend?
My teacher describes belly dance as the form of choice for women who want to dress in drag... What's your favorite costume style? Your favorite source? I like big swooshy chiffony skirts more than the skin-tight lycra, which emphasizes my belly and thighs more than I prefer and which I also find nonconducive to amy actual…
Anyone interested in a meetup at a belly dance retreat in Ocean City, Maryland in March? http://www.artofthebelly.com/
I was struck by the range of women who participated for my dance school in a recent neighborhood celebration. Here are the pictures. Belly dance has a place for us all, so shake it! http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151159303446731.444201.96217141730&type=1
I had reached the point where I couldn't fit any more exercise into my day, and didn't have the self-discipline to eat less, so I've lost only 5 pounds net in months on MFP. I have finally broken through my weight plateau by multitasking with a new toy that combines websurfing and an exercise bike, the FitDesk,…