I'd like some input. We see lots of ads on TV about health, diet and exercise and how it’s moved from adults and now a focus on our kids and youth. My question is simple and I'd like input, I received a mini cycle for Valentine's Day, something I've wanted for a while, yes a not so typical gift, but it’s what I wanted.…
Ok, had a talk with a friend and we had different ideas on how we snack while dieting/healthy living. Ok, I'm that person that can crave or want to try something completely not part of my healthy way of eating and be satisfied with that sample and not want any more, for instance, chips, I don’t eat them much anymore but my…
I've been overweight since the birth of my 2nd of my 4 children some 27 years ago, I've accomplished a lot in the past few years with having health issues mostly brought on by being overweight. I know that success can be achieved with encouragement of friends and support, I'm looking for support and friends that dont mind…