Nothing today
I told my husband I was going to tell on him for this! I buy "diet" food (i.e.- low calorie snacks that fit into my low calorie lifestyle), and he always wants to eat it! His opinion is that we can afford to buy more so it shouldn't matter that he eats my rice cakes, or weight watchers items, or other things I buy as a…
A friend of mine posted a link to this article (link won't work title will be edited to stars for swear word!- *kitten*)**** In any case- it talks about how you don't need fancy this and that to get fit. While I agree to some extent, I will say that I think having good…
Edited: I am removing this for now- as the first person to posted pointed out, the photos were different enough to make it hard to tell how much difference there truly is- I will repost when I have a new comparison photo.