hi all. started eating "clean" about 2-3 months ago and I've lost the weight from it but my main goal is staying as clean as possible (gluten free, sugar free, dairy free, soy free, even vinegar free for Candida treatment). I feel the positive changes already. Wasn't even really a decision based on weight, although I like…
i am on this strict diet to get candida under control. Had to start myself for 2 weeks and will be starting diflucan soon. Anyone else going through this? Could sure use some support. I've lost 6 lbs in 2 weeks doing this. But my main goal is to get all the other symptoms under control such as: mad sugar cravings, skin…
hi. I'll hit 1 yr not smoking in 8 days! I gained about 10 lbs. doesn't seem like a lot but it bothers me and makes me feel heavier when I try to exercise. I'm on a mission to learn and create new healthy eating and fitness habits and am looking to find people in my age range as "buddies" for support. Hi all!
Hi. I used this app about a year ago but did so in a vacuum and only used it for the calorie tracking. I lost the weight I needed and stopped using it. Now I'm back and looking to meet friends for the community aspect of it for both support and friendship. I quit smoking 68 days ago...but who's counting, right?! Susan