Friends lend me thy ear! I am curious to know your thoughts about going into relationship with a person that lives a lifestyle contridicts your very own.... most of us on Mfp are here to support each other, be examples for others in the importance of health and fitness. By no means is it everyone's desire to be magazine…
So it's the weekend....for me it has its positives!!!!!!! 1. No class full of hyper pre-teens doing everything but wanting to learn to convert fractions to percents or problem solving!!! 2. No fighting traffic!!!!! 3. No dealing with that boss that seems to have lost the sense of intelligence!!!!! But I am such a creature…
Well dr told me this afternoon I could ride the stationary bike so that's what I felt great being back in the gym...I know i must take it easy as i recover from the procedure on my back. I am just so excited to be able to be active somewhat and really work toward my goal of being 100lbs lighter!!!! There is work…
Hey all! I have been on for about a month now and I plan to start being an active participant on MFP....with that being said 1st I like to share that the goal is 100lbs and I was wondering if you read this can you add me as a friend...the goal is to have at least 100 friends to represent ever thing I lose in weight ,I will…