Kettle Baall!!! =]
Okay so my mom bought me a 10 lb kettle ball about 2 weeks ago. I brought it with me to college. I do a few things with it but I would really LOVE it if i have an instructional video. Like I LOVE TurboJam/TurboFire and those types of intructional vids. Are there any FREE ones that are on the internet that I can do before…
Since no one would answer me in the help section...LOL
Hello!! First of all, I love the changes to the iTouch/iPhone!! :) Thank you so much! Now for the problem I've been having: I changed my password in the website, when i tapped on MFP on my iTouch, it says the password is incorrect. It was understanding since I had changed it online. When I changed the password on the MFP…
PAYING FOR COLLEGE IS STRESSFULLLLLLLlllllllllllllllllll > : | Just had to put this up. I just think it's ridiculous how so much emphasis is put on obtaining a well-rounded education, but yet it's financially hard for most people! Grrrrrrr
Body Fat
Hello, Everyone!! I haven't been using the forums much so this is a good way to start :) So, my mom knows how much of a workout freak I am so she bought me a scale that measures weight AND body fat. Well i was pretty disappointed to see that my body fat is 35.5%!! that is A LOT! :/ I don't feel healthy having that body…
What Do You Use?
Hey everyone! : ) What program do you use that keeps you motivated to workout? For me is the beachbody products. I love TurboJam, I've been using it for about 4 years and lost 20+ pounds with it! :) I'm totally addicted to it because of the music and the instructor, Chalene Johnson, keeps you butt moving with her…