Hey I fancied a bit of motivation for the month of June, I go away on holiday on the 30th so I thought how about a June Weight Loss challenge..................people can join but I am going to do it for myself anyway:smile: Simple, if you want to make yourself a personal goal for the month of June - weight loss and see how…
Hey for every 1lbs I lose I put £1 in my jar, if i lose 0.5lb I put in 50p etc etc. So far I have £7 in my jar, I want somenice nice to wear for Christmas Day, so the more I lose the more £££ in my jar to spend on that outfit (and a smaller sized one at that). Maybe a little bit of motivation for people?
Hi everyone, just thought i would join this site today for some more inspiration :-) I am fairly new to the weight loss world, but as I week 4 I have lost 7lbs, still many more to go before I reach my goal. Looking forward to this site, it looks fantastic & for making new motivational friends. Feel free to chat to me I…