June Weight Loss Team

Hey I fancied a bit of motivation for the month of June, I go away on holiday on the 30th so I thought how about a June Weight Loss challenge..................people can join but I am going to do it for myself anyway:smile:

Simple, if you want to make yourself a personal goal for the month of June - weight loss and see how we can all help each other.

I appreciate that people have different weigh in dates (mine being Wednesdays), so you can come by once and week or daily (upto you) and update the stats. Just remember to copy and paste the last stats then edit your own, easy peasy:wink:

Come on ladies & gents lets help each other:drinker:


JoJo_69 - To Loose a total of 14lbs


  • crking
    crking Posts: 175
    I'll give it a try. I only have 5lbs until my goal weight..these last few pounds have been pretty difficult but I am up for the challenge!!

    crking - lose 5lbs!
  • Purenel
    Purenel Posts: 6 Member
    Im in. This is exactly what I was looking for. I got on this morning and searched for a challenge but found nothing to my liking. Now, this posting found me. It's a blessing.

    I would like to become motivated to start losing again. It's been a year since I committed. I'm ready to give it a try again.

    :happy: Thanks:smile:

    Weight loss goal for June 9 lbs
  • Alexandra888
    I HAVE to lose weight by the end of this month anyway so this is perfect. I have a wedding to go to in July so by then my weight loss goal is going to be 10 pounds. So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.... everyone else thats doing this, it'd be nice if you could give me a few tips on how to keep from over eating cuz when i get stressed, i binge like crazy. Good luck to everyone!!!

    Current Weight: 125-ish pounds (not sure exactly cuz havent weighed myself in a few weeks).
    Goal Weight: 115 pounds
    By: July 1, 2010

  • caramel827
    caramel827 Posts: 163 Member
    I'm In! I think for my goal I would like to be in a different set of 10's.

    Current Weight: 192.5
    Goal Weight by June 30th: 182.5

    I weigh in every Saturday so I'll check back in then! :)
  • JoJo_69
    JoJo_69 Posts: 47
    Great, see we can all support each other, thats the way to go!!
    We can all reach our goals I know it!!!:flowerforyou:

    Goals so far

    JoJo_69 - to loose 14lbs
    crking - to loose 5lbs
    Purenel - to loose 9lbs
    Alexandrea888 - to loose 10lbs
    Caramel827 - to loose 10lbs

    Oh :glasses: I have set myself the biggest loss so far hehe, welll I am going to give it a damn good go :laugh:
  • janeant
    janeant Posts: 7
    I'm somewhat new here. I've had the account for a month or so, but it's been hit or miss with being diligent about it. I figured the challenge would make me more accountable. I would like to lose 10 pounds by July 1st! Here are my stats...

    Current weight: 222
    Weight by July 1st: 212:wink:
  • JoJo_69
    JoJo_69 Posts: 47
    Goals so far

    JoJo_69 - to loose 14lbs
    crking - to loose 5lbs
    Purenel - to loose 9lbs
    Alexandrea888 - to loose 10lbs
    Caramel827 - to loose 10lbs
    Janeabt - to loose 10lbs
  • justahorsen
    justahorsen Posts: 234
    I'm new here (as far as the message boards) and my problem is that I usually can't find someone a few days later....how do I do that?
    Oh and I would like to lose 10 lbs in June
  • annasid78
    annasid78 Posts: 99
    Hello all! My name is Anna. I started my weight loss journey last June. I have gotten derailed and gained more than I would like to admit. I am no longer going to focus on that. I am going to focus on what I have still lost and what I am going to continue to lose. I weighed in this am at 246. I am going to keep my goal low. For the simple fact that I want to make sure it is something I can acchive. I don't want another bummer and set back... ya know. So I am setting my goal of 6lbs for the month of June. If I surpass it.. woo Hoo. When I make my goal of 6lbs WOOOOT WOOOT. :)

    Starting weight 246
    Goal 240

    6lbs loss

    JoJo_69 - to lose 14lbs
    crking - to lose 5lbs
    Purenel - to lose 9lbs
    Alexandrea888 - to lose 10lbs
    Caramel827 - to lose 10lbs
    Janeabt - to lose 10lbs
    Annasid78 - to lose 6lbs
  • JoJo_69
    JoJo_69 Posts: 47
    JoJo_69 - to lose 14lbs
    crking - to lose 5lbs
    Purenel - to lose 9lbs
    Alexandrea888 - to lose 10lbs
    Caramel827 - to lose 10lbs
    Janeabt - to lose 10lbs
    Annasid78 - to lose 6lbs
    Justahorsen - to lose 10lbs
  • sotonguetied
    yes, this is perfect! everytime i start posting on these challenge threads i never stay committed, but i was already planning on making june a power month for me, after losing focus for a few weeks i'm really going to try start seeing the scale move, so this june challenge is perfect! decided on tweaking my exercise a bit and working towards a newer, healthier mind-set when it comes to food. hope i can do it! good luck everyone :]

    i'm going to set my goal at 5 pounds, and i'll be weighing in on either thursday or friday every week :]

    SW: 167 lbs
    GW: 162 lbs

    if i can reach this goal that'll put me only 2 pounds away from my goal that i planned to meet by the end of AUGUST! how exciting will it be if i exceed my goal by then! the more pounds i shed by then, the better! hope this keeps me motivated :]
  • marvey1214
    marvey1214 Posts: 7
    I'm in too.

    to lose 10 lbs
  • aimeeclaire
    aimeeclaire Posts: 93 Member
    I was looking for a June Group! I am in. Goal: Lose 4 lbs! :) I will weigh-in on the 1st and report my stats!
  • pavanneh
    pavanneh Posts: 65 Member
    I am glad I found this. I just started and would really like to keep the motivation going, so here it goes. I would like to lose 10 lbs by the end of the month. I am currently 230 lbs. Would like to be 220.
  • JoJo_69
    JoJo_69 Posts: 47
    Goals so far, come on ladies & gents we can do it.....................listen to me I got 14lbs and there is no way I am going to change it, June is my power month :-)

    JoJo_69 - to lose 14lbs
    crking - to lose 5lbs
    Purenel - to lose 9lbs
    Alexandrea888 - to lose 10lbs
    Caramel827 - to lose 10lbs
    Janeabt - to lose 10lbs
    Annasid78 - to lose 6lbs
    Justahorsen - to lose 10lbs
    Sotonguetied - to lose 5lbs
    Marvey1214 - to lose 10lbs
    aimeeclaire - to lose 4lbs
    pavenneh - to lose 10lbs

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • WildeChikk
    WildeChikk Posts: 49 Member
    JoJo thank you thank you thank you for the challenge.

    Thought it would be kinda nice to get to know a bit about everyone if we are spending the next month together…lol.
    I’ll go first:
    I turned 40 in January and I look and feel better than I have in years. 40 IS FABULOUS!!!! I have three beautiful daughters 10, 8 and 5. Been married for 12 years, but we have been together for 22 years and have known each other since kindergarten (meant to be I guess). He is the most amazing man I have ever met and I thank my lucky stars every day we are together. (note to self…tell him more often how important he is to me) lol. We have a 1.5 year old dog (Rat Terrier) named Juno who is absolutely NUTSO, but she is getting better with training sessions. I am in Beautiful British Columbia Canada, have lived here my entire life, and wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. I work part time and I COMPLETELY and UTERLEY enjoy my life.

    Back in 2004 I lost 60lbs with WW, but 25 of those lbs came creeping back on. So since October 2009 I have lost 29lbs. I am at my lowest weight since…..well EVER. I am aiming for another 7lbs. I would LOVE to be 135lbs.

    I was in a car accident on April 6th and what a ride that has been considering it was a low impact crash. (I got rear ended). But I did have a concussion and whip lash. So lots of physio. Still having some pretty severe headaches too. Anyway it has been a journey.

    I am LOVING this site (and free too). I just joined a few days ago, but I did input all my previous weight loss.

    I am going to aim for 5lbs lost by the end of June. Hopefully I can get there as I am doing NO exercise what so ever because of my accident.

    Starting Weight-142.8lbs
    Goal Weigh t-137.8lbs
    5lbs to lose.
    Good luck everyone, and looking forward to getting to know all of you. Feel free to friend request too.
  • WildeChikk
    WildeChikk Posts: 49 Member
    JoJo thank you thank you thank you for the challenge.

    Thought it would be kinda nice to get to know a bit about everyone if we are spending the next month together…lol.
    I’ll go first:
    I turned 40 in January and I look and feel better than I have in years. 40 IS FABULOUS!!!! I have three beautiful daughters 10, 8 and 5. Been married for 12 years, but we have been together for 22 years and have known each other since kindergarten (meant to be I guess). He is the most amazing man I have ever met and I thank my lucky stars every day we are together. (note to self…tell him more often how important he is to me) lol. We have a 1.5 year old dog (Rat Terrier) named Juno who is absolutely NUTSO, but she is getting better with training sessions. I am in Beautiful British Columbia Canada, have lived here my entire life, and wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. I work part time and I COMPLETELY and UTERLEY enjoy my life.

    Back in 2004 I lost 60lbs with WW, but 25 of those lbs came creeping back on. So since October 2009 I have lost 29lbs. I am at my lowest weight since…..well EVER. I am aiming for another 7lbs. I would LOVE to be 135lbs.

    I was in a car accident on April 6th and what a ride that has been considering it was a low impact crash. (I got rear ended). But I did have a concussion and whip lash. So lots of physio. Still having some pretty severe headaches too. Anyway it has been a journey.

    I am LOVING this site (and free too). I just joined a few days ago, but I did input all my previous weight loss.

    I am going to aim for 5lbs lost by the end of June. Hopefully I can get there as I am doing NO exercise what so ever because of my accident.

    Starting Weight-142.8lbs
    Goal Weigh t-137.8lbs
    5lbs to lose.
    Good luck everyone, and looking forward to getting to know all of you. Feel free to friend request too.
  • WildeChikk
    WildeChikk Posts: 49 Member
    oops sorry posted twice
  • aimeeclaire
    aimeeclaire Posts: 93 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    My name is Aimee. I have been on MFP for 120 days! whoohoo...I love it. I have lost 13lbs since I started here on February 1. I am 5'3 and currently 134.2 lbs. I am 24 yrs old and an elementary teacher. I have always been an active person, involved in many sports growing up and all through high school and even college. I never had to worry too much about what I ate because I was so active. After I stopped swimming competitively, I gained a lot of weight. On a 5'3 frame there isn't many places the weight can hide!! I started running small distances off and on a couple years ago but this year I have a bigger incentive...my wedding day! I am getting married on August 7th. I started running in January and have run 293.45 miles so far in 2010:) I just completed my first half-marathon in May!! I am feeling so much better about myself and can't wait to get the last 4 (or more) lbs off in JUNE!! I am here for support...we can do this!! :)

    Starting weight: 134.2
    Goal weight: 130
  • flwyland
    flwyland Posts: 142
    I'm glad to find more accountability.

    JoJo_69 - to lose 14lbs
    crking - to lose 5lbs
    Purenel - to lose 9lbs
    Alexandrea888 - to lose 10lbs
    Caramel827 - to lose 10lbs
    Janeabt - to lose 10lbs
    Annasid78 - to lose 6lbs
    Justahorsen - to lose 10lbs
    Sotonguetied - to lose 5lbs
    Marvey1214 - to lose 10lbs
    aimeeclaire - to lose 4lbs
    pavenneh - to lose 10lbs
    aimeeclaire - to lose 4.2lbs
    flwyland - to lose 6lbs