June Weight Loss Team



  • EboniA
    EboniA Posts: 181 Member
    Hi everyone. I know what happened with my weigh in yesterday. I signed up for Skinny Wednesday and drank double the water but then I didn't sweat it out so it remained/retained. I weighed in this morning and actually lost a pound rather than gaining one. It'll all catch up next week.

    I hope everyone has a fun and healthy weekend.
  • flwyland
    flwyland Posts: 142
    JoJo_69 - to lose 14lbs - lost 2lbs = 12lbs remaining
    crking - to lose 5lbs
    Purenel - to lose 10lbs
    Alexandrea888 - to lose 10lbs
    Caramel827 - to lose 10lbs
    Janeabt - to lose 10lbs
    Annasid78 - to lose 6lbs
    Justahorsen - to lose 10lbs
    Sotonguetied - to lose 5lbs
    Marvey1214 - to lose 10lbs
    aimeeclaire - to lose 4lbs
    pavenneh - to lose 10lbs
    Wildechikk - to lose 5lbs - lost 1.6lbs = 3.4lbs remaining
    Flwyland - to lose 6lbs - lost 1lb = 5lbs to go
    Roadchic18 - to lose 5lbs
    nadine2unfit2bqueen - to lose 8lbs
    MFPfriend - to lose 8lbs
    Angel79202 - to lose 13lbs
    sweetgal2301 - to lose 7lbs
    tiarapants - to lose 10lbs
    Mamahutson - to lose 10lbs
    vaughn2005 - to lose 10lbs
    Spikess - to lose 8lbs
    wendytobin - to lose 7lbs - lost 1.2lbs = 5.8lbs remaining
    lisaosumarie - to lose 5lbs
    EboniA - to lose 7lbs
    Cina409 - any loss - 2lbs loss = endless
    DeathIsMyGift - to lose 10lbs
    Nikkielivey - to lose 8lbs
    OSUWrestler - to lose 15lbs
    Corndog05 - to lose 12lbs
    RMX982 - to lose 15lbs
    Healthy1Gina - to lose 15lbs
    ifychudy - to lose 10lbs
    crystalfordham - to lose 10lbs
    365healthchallenge - to lose 8lbs
  • nadine2unfit2bqueen
    nadine2unfit2bqueen Posts: 153 Member
    I think I had a bit of weightloss breakthrough yesterday; twice!

    First I was ordering a sandwhich and the counter lady asked if I wanted fries, soup (cream of), or salad (pasta!!) for only $2 extra? Of course my instant reaction is "Wow, only two bucks? Gimme some fries!" and then in my head I started thinking 'wait... why would I pay $2 more to feel gross and have to spend more time working out???' So I turned down having fries with that for whats likely the first time EVER!

    Second I finally did my cardio AFTER my workout. I've known for awhile this is the best way to burn fat but I've never been able to make it work for me. Now that I've moved further away from my gym, a nice 4.5km, I've decided to start busing to the gym, working out, and then running home. I tried it yesterday and although I was dreading the run all day it was surprisingly much easier than I had imagined.

    The scale was smiling at me this morning, down to 126.6, and thanks to my handy dandy weightwatchers scale I know it's not dehydration :) So...

    JoJo_69 - to lose 14lbs - lost 2lbs = 12lbs remaining
    crking - to lose 5lbs
    Purenel - to lose 10lbs
    Alexandrea888 - to lose 10lbs
    Caramel827 - to lose 10lbs
    Janeabt - to lose 10lbs
    Annasid78 - to lose 6lbs
    Justahorsen - to lose 10lbs
    Sotonguetied - to lose 5lbs
    Marvey1214 - to lose 10lbs
    aimeeclaire - to lose 4lbs
    pavenneh - to lose 10lbs
    Wildechikk - to lose 5lbs - lost 1.6lbs = 3.4lbs remaining
    Flwyland - to lose 6lbs
    Roadchic18 - to lose 5lbs
    nadine2unfit2bqueen - to lose 8lbs - 2.2lbs = 5.8lbs remaining
    MFPfriend - to lose 8lbs
    Angel79202 - to lose 13lbs
    sweetgal2301 - to lose 7lbs
    tiarapants - to lose 10lbs
    Mamahutson - to lose 10lbs
    vaughn2005 - to lose 10lbs
    Spikess - to lose 8lbs
    wendytobin - to lose 7lbs - lost 1.2lbs = 5.8lbs remaining
    lisaosumarie - to lose 5lbs
    EboniA - to lose 7lbs
    Cina409 - any loss - 2lbs loss = endless
    DeathIsMyGift - to lose 10lbs
    Nikkielivey - to lose 8lbs
    OSUWrestler - to lose 15lbs
    Corndog05 - to lose 12lbs
    RMX982 - to lose 15lbs
    Healthy1Gina - to lose 15lbs
    ifychudy - to lose 10lbs
    crystalfordham - to lose 10lbs
    365healthchallenge - to lose 8lbs
  • roadchic18
    roadchic18 Posts: 128
    nadine2unfit2bqueen - good for you! I totally agree with the feeling gross part. I'm an emotional eater. Something happens to complicate my day and all I can think of is gee what can I eat to make myself feel better? But it never really makes me feel better. I still have the same stress but now it's worse.

    That's awesome that you ran home after a workout. You are very inspirational. Keep up the good work and congrats on your loss! :flowerforyou:
  • annasid78
    annasid78 Posts: 99
    I have been down 2lbs all week. I had a few bad days eating and I havn't been exercising near as much as I planned. I sure hope my number looks good sunday!!! I feel very optiomistic this time. It hasn't seemed like as much of a challenge has it has been since Jan. This is it. I am going to make my june goal~!
  • nikkieliivey
    nikkieliivey Posts: 76 Member
    It has been a rough week! I didn;t lose anything on weigh-in on Tuesday. I actually gained a pound despite sticking strictly to my diet and excercising every day...then I realized that I had such a large calorie deficit that my body was in starvation mode. I have since started to eat some of my excercies calories, which I was not eting before, and though I have changed my weigh in days to Wednesdays to accomodate my new P90X schedule, I feel very optimistic!

    Usually, if I slip up I have them mentality of "oh well I might as well enjoy everything now that I have cheated. I will start again tomorrow". This time I caught myself. It is embarassing, but I literally had something half way into my mouth, and was just about to let go, when I thought "why am I doing this...everytime I start losing weight on a diet I self sabotage. I am not even hungry"..still my hand lingered there but I was able to get back control and toss the food in the garbage. It may seem small but that was a good thing for me...it signaled that this time is going to be the last time. No going back. no binging. no excuses.

    I'm sooo tired of constantly feeling like I need to lose weight, and constantly looking in the mirror and wishing this looked like this and that this bit was a tad thinner. I sooo sick of going to beach and wishing I had the body I always wanted. Yes, I have lost 50 pounds and kept it off, but it is time for those last 30 to go. They have been hanging around here for nearly 4 years and they have totally worn out their welcome! I am starting South Beach diet officially on Monday, though I am easing myself into it now. I know this is going to work, because I am finally at the place where I refuse for it not to work. Your support has really helped! I know that I can do this. I will kick 8 of those pounds by Jul 1st, and 15-20 of those pesky pounds by August 21st because I have done it before and I am going to do it again..and I deserve this! I am doing this for myself, for my peace of mind, and my happiness!
  • Winter0916
    Winter0916 Posts: 80
    I am so in!!!

    JoJo_69 - to lose 14lbs - lost 2lbs = 12lbs remaining
    crking - to lose 5lbs
    Purenel - to lose 10lbs
    Alexandrea888 - to lose 10lbs
    Caramel827 - to lose 10lbs
    Janeabt - to lose 10lbs
    Annasid78 - to lose 6lbs
    Justahorsen - to lose 10lbs
    Sotonguetied - to lose 5lbs
    Marvey1214 - to lose 10lbs
    aimeeclaire - to lose 4lbs
    pavenneh - to lose 10lbs
    Wildechikk - to lose 5lbs - lost 1.6lbs = 3.4lbs remaining
    Flwyland - to lose 6lbs
    Roadchic18 - to lose 5lbs
    nadine2unfit2bqueen - to lose 8lbs - 2.2lbs = 5.8lbs remaining
    MFPfriend - to lose 8lbs
    Angel79202 - to lose 13lbs
    sweetgal2301 - to lose 7lbs
    tiarapants - to lose 10lbs
    Mamahutson - to lose 10lbs
    vaughn2005 - to lose 10lbs
    Spikess - to lose 8lbs
    wendytobin - to lose 7lbs - lost 1.2lbs = 5.8lbs remaining
    lisaosumarie - to lose 5lbs
    EboniA - to lose 7lbs
    Cina409 - any loss - 2lbs loss = endless
    DeathIsMyGift - to lose 10lbs
    Nikkielivey - to lose 8lbs
    OSUWrestler - to lose 15lbs
    Corndog05 - to lose 12lbs
    RMX982 - to lose 15lbs
    Healthy1Gina - to lose 15lbs
    ifychudy - to lose 10lbs
    crystalfordham - to lose 10lbs
    365healthchallenge - to lose 8lbs
    Winter0916-to lose 15 lbs
  • EboniA
    EboniA Posts: 181 Member
    Congrats on your loss Nadine and welcome Nikkie. I just ate Wendy's but I feel ok. I'm within my cals and I'm not stuffed. I walked for 30 minutes before that and plan to do my video for 30 more. I also plan to make some great meals that will last all week so I don't go out to eat. Right now I'm outside enjoying the warm weather with the cool breeze.
  • annasid78
    annasid78 Posts: 99
    woot woot! I am so excited! After I entered ALLLL my food and exercise.. it said this If every day were like today... You'd weigh 236.5 lbs in 5 weeks I am going to make it!!!
  • sotonguetied
    arghh well i hope everyone is doing well! i went crazy with calories today and kind of yesterday. not the greatest start, eh? i think i'm going to start making weekly goals in order to achieve my larger goals. i think it might work better for me to think more short term than long term. i think it's easier for me to say i have to exercise hard and eat good for a week than thinking of having to do that for a whole month. less overwhelming on the mind :p i also think i'm going to think of incentives, like little rewards for making my weekly goals. hopefully this works! my goal for this week is to lose 2 pounds by next friday (6/11) :]
  • JoJo_69
    JoJo_69 Posts: 47
    Well good morning from the UK, just reading up on all your posts. Congrats on the weight loss people and all that exercise. I wasnt around yesterday but just entered my calaries for yesterday and I went over even with the half hour of exercise I managed to scrape through..............all well I say its only ONCE, oh no I think cause I was told if I carried on eating like i did yesterday I would be 3lbs heavier that than by original figures. So no more days like yesterday, it was a one off, I didnt cook someone else did :-)
    Right back on track now, come on JoJo you can do it LMAO. Good luck to all those who still have to weigh in and update...........you bunch are doing just great and staying motivated and thats why I love Groups like this.

    Another thought of mine was, I know this is a June Weight Loss Team, if you all fancy it, I am going to let it roll over, like we all started a personal goal in June and every month we can set outselves mini goals like this for the following months that way we can keep track of each other and of course keep each other on the right track :smile:

    So far

    JoJo_69 - to lose 14lbs - lost 2lbs = 12lbs remaining
    crking - to lose 5lbs
    Purenel - to lose 10lbs
    Alexandrea888 - to lose 10lbs
    Caramel827 - to lose 10lbs
    Janeabt - to lose 10lbs
    Annasid78 - to lose 6lbs
    Justahorsen - to lose 10lbs
    Sotonguetied - to lose 5lbs
    Marvey1214 - to lose 10lbs
    aimeeclaire - to lose 4lbs
    pavenneh - to lose 10lbs
    Wildechikk - to lose 5lbs - lost 1.6lbs = 3.4lbs remaining
    Flwyland - to lose 6lbs - lost 1lbs + 5lbs remaining
    Roadchic18 - to lose 5lbs
    nadine2unfit2bqueen - to lose 8lbs - lost 2.2lbs = 5.8lbs remaining
    MFPfriend - to lose 8lbs
    Angel79202 - to lose 13lbs
    sweetgal2301 - to lose 7lbs
    tiarapants - to lose 10lbs
    Mamahutson - to lose 10lbs
    vaughn2005 - to lose 10lbs
    Spikess - to lose 8lbs
    wendytobin - to lose 7lbs - lost 1.2lbs = 5.8lbs remaining
    lisaosumarie - to lose 5lbs
    EboniA - to lose 7lbs
    Cina409 - any loss - 2lbs loss = endless
    DeathIsMyGift - to lose 10lbs - loss 2lbs = 8lbs remaining
    Nikkielivey - to lose 8lbs
    OSUWrestler - to lose 15lbs
    Corndog05 - to lose 12lbs
    RMX982 - to lose 15lbs
    Healthy1Gina - to lose 15lbs
    ifychudy - to lose 10lbs
    crystalfordham - to lose 10lbs
    365healthchallenge - to lose 8lbs
    Winter0916 - to lose 15lbs
  • nikkieliivey
    nikkieliivey Posts: 76 Member
    You must have read my mind! I would love for this group to roll over! Everyone is so supportive! Good for you for getting right back on track JoJo...that is what really counts! You Go Girl!
  • JoJo_69
    JoJo_69 Posts: 47
    LOL thanks Nikki..........yes I think a roll over will be great....................we will just think of it as a team who started out on the 1st June 2010 with monthly goals, we shall all post new goals each month.....I think that should do it :-)
    Oh yes I am back on track today, ate 9 whole strawberrys for my breakfast haha, now for lunch I am starved :-)
  • roadchic18
    roadchic18 Posts: 128
    Good morning kids, just wanted to check in and say that I did not do so well yesterday. I totally gave into my own pity party and ate whatever I wanted, plus I worked until almost 7 p.m. again so all I was able to do was walk my dogs. I hate when I do that. I know better, I can certainly do better, but when I do one thing wrong I seem to just let everything else slide too.

    I am going to town today to buy all my groceries for the Elite Nutrition Plan for the Insanity Program. I too am done making excuses and letting myself slide deeper into depression. Just like nikkieliivey, I have lost weight before and I will do it again, and I've come to that point that I can't not get serious. I'm tired of backsliding. This was supposed to be my best year yet, 39 years old, wanting to turn 40 in the best shape ever. I still have time but I need to get cracking.

    I certainly hope you all have a great weekend and keep up the great work. I am very inspired by all of your posts. Everyone is doing so well. I too would love to roll over each month. It's a great place to come for support and inspiration. Happy Weekend Everyone!
  • annasid78
    annasid78 Posts: 99
    well poop on me! I could sleep last night and got up and ate. I ate to multigran bars. some MMs, part of my breakfast.......... I guess I am going to eat light today. I even have a baby shower and family picnic to go to...... smart choices, smart chices.....
  • nadine2unfit2bqueen
    nadine2unfit2bqueen Posts: 153 Member
    Nikki I hear you on "this time is the last time!" this time it's not just a diet or an exercise program, it's a complete life changing plan, a total overhaul of the way I think about eating and fitness. I'm trying to change my eating habits to eating what my body needs to feel good and perform at it's best, instead of eating what looks the most decadent. Slowly as my bodies starting to adapt I find now what is healthy to eat is also starting to look the yummiest. Like my brain is finally connecting what it needs with what it wants :)

    I feel I'm killing it this week! Yesterday I did some indoor climbing, jogged the hilly 4.5k home and the went mtn biking on a trail that is a 30min uphill peddle before going down. This morning I woke up anxious to do something at 6am so I did a quick arm workout followed by a 30 min run with 3 kick in the tush hills.

    I weighed myself prior to excersizing and Im down another lb; 125 :)

    Also managed to say no to going out for beers last night! Was feeling to good to sabotage myself with $5 pints I can't really afford. I definitly feel as though right now I'm winning at life, and since I'm pretty competitive I sure hope I can keep it up!
    JoJo_69 - to lose 14lbs - lost 2lbs = 12lbs remaining
    crking - to lose 5lbs
    Purenel - to lose 10lbs
    Alexandrea888 - to lose 10lbs
    Caramel827 - to lose 10lbs
    Janeabt - to lose 10lbs
    Annasid78 - to lose 6lbs
    Justahorsen - to lose 10lbs
    Sotonguetied - to lose 5lbs
    Marvey1214 - to lose 10lbs
    aimeeclaire - to lose 4lbs
    pavenneh - to lose 10lbs
    Wildechikk - to lose 5lbs - lost 1.6lbs = 3.4lbs remaining
    Flwyland - to lose 6lbs - lost 1lbs + 5lbs remaining
    Roadchic18 - to lose 5lbs
    nadine2unfit2bqueen - to lose 8lbs - lost 3.2lbs = 4.8lbs remaining
    MFPfriend - to lose 8lbs
    Angel79202 - to lose 13lbs
    sweetgal2301 - to lose 7lbs
    tiarapants - to lose 10lbs
    Mamahutson - to lose 10lbs
    vaughn2005 - to lose 10lbs
    Spikess - to lose 8lbs
    wendytobin - to lose 7lbs - lost 1.2lbs = 5.8lbs remaining
    lisaosumarie - to lose 5lbs
    EboniA - to lose 7lbs
    Cina409 - any loss - 2lbs loss = endless
    DeathIsMyGift - to lose 10lbs - loss 2lbs = 8lbs remaining
    Nikkielivey - to lose 8lbs
    OSUWrestler - to lose 15lbs
    Corndog05 - to lose 12lbs
    RMX982 - to lose 15lbs
    Healthy1Gina - to lose 15lbs
    ifychudy - to lose 10lbs
    crystalfordham - to lose 10lbs
    365healthchallenge - to lose 8lbs
    Winter0916 - to lose 15lbs
  • kizzym
    kizzym Posts: 250
    JoJo_69 - to lose 14lbs - lost 2lbs = 12lbs remaining
    crking - to lose 5lbs
    Purenel - to lose 10lbs
    Alexandrea888 - to lose 10lbs
    Caramel827 - to lose 10lbs
    Janeabt - to lose 10lbs
    Annasid78 - to lose 6lbs
    Justahorsen - to lose 10lbs
    Sotonguetied - to lose 5lbs
    Marvey1214 - to lose 10lbs
    aimeeclaire - to lose 4lbs
    pavenneh - to lose 10lbs
    Wildechikk - to lose 5lbs - lost 1.6lbs = 3.4lbs remaining
    Flwyland - to lose 6lbs - lost 1lbs + 5lbs remaining
    Roadchic18 - to lose 5lbs
    nadine2unfit2bqueen - to lose 8lbs - lost 3.2lbs = 4.8lbs remaining
    MFPfriend - to lose 8lbs
    Angel79202 - to lose 13lbs
    sweetgal2301 - to lose 7lbs
    tiarapants - to lose 10lbs
    Mamahutson - to lose 10lbs
    vaughn2005 - to lose 10lbs
    Spikess - to lose 8lbs
    wendytobin - to lose 7lbs - lost 1.2lbs = 5.8lbs remaining
    lisaosumarie - to lose 5lbs
    EboniA - to lose 7lbs
    Cina409 - any loss - 2lbs loss = endless
    DeathIsMyGift - to lose 10lbs - loss 2lbs = 8lbs remaining
    Nikkielivey - to lose 8lbs
    OSUWrestler - to lose 15lbs
    Corndog05 - to lose 12lbs
    RMX982 - to lose 15lbs
    Healthy1Gina - to lose 15lbs
    ifychudy - to lose 10lbs
    crystalfordham - to lose 10lbs
    365healthchallenge - to lose 8lbs
    Winter0916 - to lose 15lbs
    to lose 5 ibs: sw: 180----gw:175
  • kizzym
    kizzym Posts: 250
    my name is kizzy...just turned 30 on may 26....i was born in california, but raised in oklahoma...now i live in arizona...i've been living there since january 25...i moved there to help out my best friend whom i haven't been in contact with since 2000 and we just started talking again back in october....for the weekend i'm in oklahoma visiting mom, she is dying of lung cancer :-( so i thought i'd come here sooner than planned just in case she won't make it in october...she looks OLD!!!! from the last time i seen her back in january...
  • 365healthchallenge
    Hey guys :) I weighed in before I joined the group this week and lost 0.8lbs and lost 1.5inches, but I weighed in again this morning and lost another 2.4lbs and an inch and a half off my bust and 2 inches off my waist!!! So my total loss this week is 3.2lbs and 5 total inches lost!!!! I'm so happy :)
    Hope everyone is having a great weekend.! Keep up all the good work :)

    JoJo_69 - to lose 14lbs - lost 2lbs = 12lbs remaining
    crking - to lose 5lbs
    Purenel - to lose 10lbs
    Alexandrea888 - to lose 10lbs
    Caramel827 - to lose 10lbs
    Janeabt - to lose 10lbs
    Annasid78 - to lose 6lbs
    Justahorsen - to lose 10lbs
    Sotonguetied - to lose 5lbs
    Marvey1214 - to lose 10lbs
    aimeeclaire - to lose 4lbs
    pavenneh - to lose 10lbs
    Wildechikk - to lose 5lbs - lost 1.6lbs = 3.4lbs remaining
    Flwyland - to lose 6lbs - lost 1lbs + 5lbs remaining
    Roadchic18 - to lose 5lbs
    nadine2unfit2bqueen - to lose 8lbs - lost 3.2lbs = 4.8lbs remaining
    MFPfriend - to lose 8lbs
    Angel79202 - to lose 13lbs
    sweetgal2301 - to lose 7lbs
    tiarapants - to lose 10lbs
    Mamahutson - to lose 10lbs
    vaughn2005 - to lose 10lbs
    Spikess - to lose 8lbs
    wendytobin - to lose 7lbs - lost 1.2lbs = 5.8lbs remaining
    lisaosumarie - to lose 5lbs
    EboniA - to lose 7lbs
    Cina409 - any loss - 2lbs loss = endless
    DeathIsMyGift - to lose 10lbs - loss 2lbs = 8lbs remaining
    Nikkielivey - to lose 8lbs
    OSUWrestler - to lose 15lbs
    Corndog05 - to lose 12lbs
    RMX982 - to lose 15lbs
    Healthy1Gina - to lose 15lbs
    ifychudy - to lose 10lbs
    crystalfordham - to lose 10lbs
    365healthchallenge - to lose 8lbs- 0.8lbs (wed) and 2.4lbs(today) 3.2lb total loss for the week= 4.8lbs remaining
    Winter0916 - to lose 15lbs
    to lose 5 ibs: sw: 180----gw:175
  • ladybuggee
    I would like to join. I singed on here a few months back, then lost track. Yesterday my 18 yr old was given some lab results and an 1800 calorie day eating plan to follow. Not really given-just told by doc to find one and follow it. So I decided to come back and get started myself and be her support system here at home.

    I think my last weigh in was 214 and am shooting to lose 20 before my 30 yr class reunion in July.
    Please add me, Stacey-to lose 14lbs by June 30